A feature Mockumentary directed
by Thomas Gimpel
DoP: Hauke Wulff
Creative Producer: Martina Hentig
The Story
In which a loving mother...
and translator researches the ‘chemtrail’ conspiracy theory for her job and loses everything during her journey down the internet rabbit hole. God's Cocaine follows translator Claire on her research. In the abundance of information, theses and creeds, the transition from skepticism to paranoid ideology is fluid. In our 90-minute mockumentary, we want to mislead the viewer in order to strengthen careful and thoughtful use of news and media.
- Language: English
- Lemgth: 90 Minuten
- Distribution: Cinema | Festivals | Streaming
The Team
A handfull of susceptible characters
Thomas Gimpel
Martina Hentig
Creative Producer
Hauke Wulff